Thursday, January 18, 2007

Toddler-proofing: part 32,489

We thought of everything, supposedly.

The books are on the topmost shelf of the bookshelf behind glass doors - he took care of that Spidey-style.

His clothes are in the oldest dresser we own, the one that you have to really yank on to open it - he's in there almost everyday.

The garage door opener is way out of reach - he knows how to get into the van and press the remote control.

Husband's car door usually requires a certain amount of technique to open - Rascal can do it in 0.6 seconds and uses the seat controls to recline both front bucket seats all the way.

Here's another thing we never thought of: the venetian blinds that I hate and have been planning to replace ever since we moved in.

I was in the kitchen making coffee when I heard, "Hewp, hewp!" from the living room.

There he was - one leg on the floor, the other looped through the slats of the blind, one wrist tangled in the string clutching 3 Hot Wheels, and the other hand hanging onto the back of the couch for dear life. A very precarious situation indeed.

How does he think of these things?


Ali Kat said...

Wish you had a pic of that one!! Good, maybe now you'll get new blinds!

Ali Kat said...

Sorry, that sounded like I don't like the blinds. That is not the case ;)

degsies said...

i always wondered how some moms could leave all their plants on the floor in their original location, and not have to put locks on the cupboard doors, or pack up every precious belonging. we have locks high up on the inside of our house doors, not because we're afraid of bad people, but to keep certain little people inside. i talked to one mom whose hubby tied the kitchen chairs to the table so the kids couldn't drag them around in order to reach things...may need to do that soon.