And so it begins...
Tweenie always dumps out her book bag in the front hall when she gets home from school and it drives me nuts! On this occasion, though, it was worth it. I smudged out the names to thwart any stalkers that may happen by my little blog, but the note was in fact signed and addressed to my daughter. Who's much too young to even play boyfriend/girlfriend during recess, never mind receive love notes.
What did she do about this? It was pretty hilarious; she tattled to the teacher because she was mad about it. In the end, it turns out the note was a prank pulled by another boy.
Before I found out that particular detail, though, I showed the note to Husband.
"Git out yer steel-toed boots, honey, 'cuz ya got some butt-whuppin' ta do."
Actually, Husband was not as amused as I was. He questioned me very thoroughly about the boy involved - did I know him? His family? Is it a friend of Tweenie's? Where did you find this? When? What did Tweenie say about it?
I snorted and laughed the whole time, which didn't improve matters. Neither did my explanation that this sort of thing happened to me at this age too. Not impressed.
The rest of the day, Husband sighed and talked about how our kids are growing up so fast... yeah, a little reminder like a love letter will have that effect I guess.
Oh my, she really is growing up :(
Husband is being a good Dad, watching out for his little girl.
hahahaha - we are so not there yet!
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