Saturday, January 13, 2007

A place for everything and everything in its place

Is it horrifying or hilarious? Medical emergency or laughter as the best medicine?

Rascal is up to old tricks again.

He hasn't done this in a while, and so I didn't even worry about leaving certain items lying around the house.

A little background information while I allow the suspense to build to epic proportions! I am not the neatest housekeeper. Husband and I believe in the 20/80 rule (that we invented), which basically states that 20% effort will make things look 80% better. We also believe in the law of diminishing returns, which states that you can strive for perfection, but as you approach infinity you can never attain it.

Sooooo, I make my children pick up their junk, but am satisfied enough if they use a bin or box that we have in the living room for such occasions instead of carrying it up to the playroom and put it away properly. That happens once a week or so, otherwise it would be hours and hours a day of trudging up the stairs.

Back to Rascal. He has a sense of order that will not tolerate deviation. He lines up his cars in roads on the coffee table and stacks his movies one on top of the other.

He also shoves sunflower seeds up his nose and pencils in his ears.

Didn't see that one coming.

1 comment:

Henny said...

Oh dear, I thought he was finished shoving things in places where they should not be. You did say he had that look on his face when I spoke to you on the phone. That look that said 'I'm planning something naughty' Success! Yes!