Thursday, November 16, 2006


Another tale of when Tweenie was just a little Mausie...

Tantie loves her niece, has always claimed to be Mausie's favorite aunt. When Mausie was 6 months old or so, she loved to bounce on laps like a lot of other babies that age. When Tantie heard about this she decided to try it out for herself.

"Bouncy bouncy bouncy bouncy!" Mausie was propelled higher and higher each time.

Tantie stopped to coo at Mausie, who at this point was probably thinking about how that icky green bean mash from lunch was digesting poorly. She wasn't impressed, so what should one do?
Well, according to Tantie, the only cure for a crabby baby is to try that trick again.

"Bouncy bouncy bouncy bouncy BOUNCY!" Mausie began to howl.

"BOUNCY BOUNCY BOUNCY BOUNCY!" Now Mama had to step in.

I rescued Mausie, who clutched my hair tightly and began to whimper into my ear. She stopped briefly, shot Tantie a scowl and then went right back to tattling. Tantie felt right guilty about it.

Here is a picture, because yes, I was such a mean mama that I took a moment to record this moment for posterity.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, this was hilarious! She really did tell on me, even though she was just a little six month old. She was so mad at me but it was the cutest, funniest thing!