Au naturel
I may change Big Boy's nickname from Rascal to Yaykit. Not because he runs around screaming "Yay!" but because he runs around NAKED.
Yaykit is how he pronounces his ensemble du jour. It's mainly my fault. After months of halfhearted attempts at potty training, I am going for broke. My theory is that he'll find the prospect of peeing or pooping on himself so disgusting that he'll hold it in until his butt hits the cold porcelain.
Like I said, it's just a theory. And how do we prove a theory? (Anyone?) We do our darndest to DISprove it first. 4 liquid and 2 solid incidents later, we are still working on disproving. Which is why he's still yaykit.
We've been doing this now for about 2 weeks. So far the neighbor, mailman, BFF, BFF's mom, and the propane delivery dude have also met Mr. Yaykit. He runs up the driveway, winkie a-dangling and shouts (what else?):
We stay-at-home mamas need a little comedy to overlook the accidents that no amount of Rug Doctor, Spot Remover, or Tide can fully banish.
awwww, that's so cute!
Please tell me this little experiment takes place outside only...
just wait uncle!!
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