Monday, October 01, 2007

Selling out... big time

Overheard at the neighborhood McDonald's:

"Ma'am, I just had to come over and compliment you on your children. They are the best behaved little angels I ever did see! You must be doing something right!"

I gawped at the kind gentleman. Awkward silence.

"Well, y'all have a great day then." He backed away, waving at Kye who was shoving something up his nose.

I slowly swiveled my head to gaze at my children. Yep, you give 'em some greasy slop and a cheap toy and just sit back and enjoy the

Peace and Quiet.

I am a total sellout. But in my defense, I force them to take milk and apples instead of soda and fries (even though I get to have diet Coke, but that's because I need the caffeine). So actually I'm a mean cow who has my children's health in mind. At McDonald's.

There was a reason I caved this time. Somewhere in between the random acts of violence equally dispensed by my sons and the nasty pile of soccer gear from last Saturday rotting under Tweenie's bed, I had a teensy meltdown.

I called Husband at work to tattle.

"Babe, I can't hear you above the screeching in the background. Can you call me back when you've got things under control? ... Hello? You still there?"

Later Tantie called with some salacious gossip. The kids were still rampaging around the house.

"Is this a bad time?" asked Tantie.

"Oh no, there never really is a good time."

"Huh." She and her husband are bandying around the idea of starting a family. I'm her reality and birth control check.

30 minutes later I was the recipient of the wonderful compliment. Staring at the three of them with varying amounts of goo on their faces, I realized for the first time since I woke up to the mess of a double pack of Cinnamon Toast Crunch spilled all over the floor what great kids I have.

They are sweet and affectionate - at least once daily.
They are brave and daring - sometimes death defying.
They are smart and resourceful - especially when they work in tandem.
They are gorgeous!

And, most importantly, they're mine.

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