Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Driver Ed 101

Kye, who I may start referring to as Rascal 2.0, is getting an education.

"Come, Kye! We go droving!" Rascal chirped. He snatched my car keys and headed for the van, little brother following in his wake.

And by "wake", I do not exaggerate. The as yet unpacked groceries were standing conveniently in the path to the back door. It seems that two 25-30 pound boys running through does a great job of uniformly strewing said foodstuffs around the back end of the kitchen. It was all I could do to hurdle over the upturned Bisquick and Special K boxes to reach the giggling twosome before they keyed our van.

Undeterred, they made a beeline for the shed. Rascal and sidekick Kye vaulted onto the PowerWheels Harley and buzzed around the yard. This was Kye's first time on, and he fell off the back several times.

I decided it was time to intervene. Kye now sat up front and steered while Rascal pressed the accelerator. This unit has 2 speeds, fast and slow. I set it to the latter and walked alongside.

Enough of this, thought Rascal, and punched it into high gear. They went careening over the lawn and dangerously close to the creek. I shrieked and ran after them. Mission accomplished! Their gales of laughter were contagious and I lost all credibility by chuckling along.

Well, it could be much worse - they could both be yaykit.

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