Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Making some sweeping generalizations

As I see it, there are three types of mommies in the world.

Type 1: Booby Warrior
She wouldn't dream of offering formula, at least not for the first year. She organizes and participates in nurse-ins with fellow lactivists and threatens legal action to any passersby who look disapprovingly in her direction.

Type 2: Those-are-not-yours-they're-mine Formula Freedom Fighter
She is the arch enemy of lactivists, offended by public displays of boobage and enjoys the convenience a bottle offers. She doesn't care what you do in private, just don't let the rest of the world - or restaurant - enjoy the show. Don't come to her with your factoids, because several generations of breast-eschewing mothers have produced intelligent, healthy kids (gasp).

Type 3: What's-the-big-deal Mom
She says breastfeeding isn't for everybody, so do what works best for you and your baby's comfort level. Most of us probably fit into this category. Getting all huffy about to boob or not to boob... is that the big question? Sure she has an opinion on the subject, but what's the big deal?

Oh yes, and there's one more type I almost forgot to mention. Have a look-see...


Ali Kat said...

Oh my goodness, flippin' hilarious - yet disgusting at the same time! BTW - I'm a type 3 mom (to-be:)

degsies said...

not even sure what to say! where did you find this thing? i think i'm horribly grossed out and just barely amused. i'll let you know in the morning if it gave me nightmares!!