Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Cooperating for a common purpose

"Come, Kye!" sang Rascal.

I looked around the corner suspiciously. Usually Rascal hates Kye horning in on anything he's trying to play with.

Don't misunderstand - Rascal really loves his little brother. Just so long as he's well out of reach of his carcars.

As I observed for a moment, Kye looked over indifferently toward Rascal. A wad of drool blobbed onto the floor.

"Kye! Come, Kye!" Rascal patted the floor beside him enthusiastically.

A fresh driblet of saliva began forming on Kye's lip. He returned his attention to Tweenie's Polly Pocket car. I was satisfied that nothing improper was going on, so I returned to the stack of laundry.

Eventually I heard some strange grunting noises. I looked over curiously to see Rascal standing on Kye's back, straining to reach the TV and DVD remotes I had purposely placed out of reach.

I frantically stuffed the sheet I was folding back into the basket, roaring at Rascal to get off Kye's back.

He responded quickly, prize in hand, then immediately handed one of the remotes to Kye who sat up and crammed it into his mouth, shmatzing loudly.

I firmly plopped Rascal into the Naughty Chair, who looked at me calmly and said,



Henny said...

Talk about 'up to no good' What a rascal!

degsies said...

siblings working together (ahem...tying to a tree comes to mind) - why is the reality of that dream usually trouble?