Tuesday, February 06, 2007

toxic contamination

When I was a teen, I had breakouts like everyone else. Nothing extreme, but let's just say I was waiting for puberty to be over so that I wouldn't have to deal with it again.

It took some time before I was mostly breakout-free, but then I started having babies. I get that the hormones involved in pregnancy would cause zitty flare-ups, but I assumed that the problem would go away after birth. Now I'm on baby #3 (Kye) and I've had an epiphany.

The confusing thing was, that while I was a teen I had zits on my face mainly. Now that I'm a mom, my face is clear but I have breakouts on my neck, beside my nose, and on the tops of my shoulders.

This morning Kye was so excited to see me. He clutched happily in my direction, finally finding a sure grip on my neck and nose. As his sharp little fingernails dug their way in, I suddenly thought of where those hands have been.

As with Rascal, Kye grubs around in his diaper area while I clean him. I always wash his hands at the end but never think to clean under the fingernails.



degsies said...

really makes me think twice about all the affection i get!!

Henny said...

Good to notice what's going on! Obviously.