Friday, February 02, 2007

What a Mama does for love

Love hurts, they say. Usually they mean emotionally, but I can vouch for the physical pain today.

The little boys and I were having a lazy morning playing in our bed. A very mellow start.

Baby, who Rascal recently christened "Kye" (not remotely close to his actual name, by the way), is crawling now. But apparantly that's not enough for him yet - I can tell he wants to walk. I learned early on that mobility in children is in fact not desirable. Just read any of my Rascal stories and you'll know what I mean!

Where most children would perhaps pull themselves up on furniture, Kye uses any part of my body to accomplish this; it's usually my hair, ear, or jaw. Today, however, as I was lying on the bed, he crawled onto my chest, then sank his head like a tripod onto my face and pushed his legs out straight.

There were two small problems: first, his feet were grinding into my stomach; and second, his mouth was open when he planted his face directly over my nose. If only it were deja vu... As I attempted to free myself, he bit down and balled his fists in my hair. I actually called to Rascal for help.

"Kye, what doing?" Rascal sat there, not overly concerned. Kye just laughed.

Later, after I cleaned myself up, Rascal and I were wrestling and tickling. Then he pulled a fast one, headbutting me on the nose. I thought I was going to die, the pain was so excruciating! I probed gingerly convinced something was broken, feeling and tasting the coppery blood trickle back down my throat.

I might not survive these toddler years.


degsies said...

life with little boys. my big one wanted his little brother to wrestle with us today. thankfully he's still too little to wrestle, but it won't be long and i'll have my hands overfull for wrestling!

Henny said...

Don't you just hate it when you bite your cheek in the same place, over and over? I hope your nose is okay, Mamaluv. My father used to say, 'it will all be better by the time you are a grandmother!' It's all better now, but I don't have any little fellow biting my nose...and I'm sad.