Happy Turkey Day!
Being Canadian, we're new to this American-style Thanksgiving. Sure we've always celebrated Turkey Day, but without the addition of Pilgrims, cornucopia, and the time-honored tradition of passing out in front of the football game. Must be a Coors Light thing, eh?
Typically, Rascal brought home a variety of themed projects from preschool this week including a pilgrim's hat. I don't know if it was the cockeyed buckle placement or the aforementioned lack of cultural context, but it took me a while to figure out what it was. Rascal, of course, knew exactly what it was: a Dark Bayder mask--duh.However, Rascal is over his villain phase and wanted to be Luke Skywalker, so Kye happily donned the mask, snatched up Tweenie's sparkle baton, and thus began Star Wars: the Ultimate Conquest.
What made this really hilarious is that Rascal insisted the mask cover Kye's eyes, just like in the movie. And so, our Star Wars proceeded with Kye wandering around blind and giggling, while Luke (dressed in Buzz Lightyear gear naturally) jumped off the couch aiming for Twit.
This was yesterday. Today Rascal is watching the Balboa-thon on TV with Husband. I'm terrified!
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