Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Nope, that's not chickenpox

So there I was, doodling around the house cleaning up this and that. I was happy Rascal was off somewhere playing with his carcars and not underfoot.

Whoa, back that up a sec. I should have known better. Eventually I became worried and went up to check on him. This wouldn't be the first time he's colored on himself. It would, however, be the first time he's chewed right through a gel pen ink tube. Amazingly, he didn't swallow much that I could tell, but as you can see, he's well, um, decorated.

Very soon after this, Husband came home. Though I can't read his thoughts, his face had such an expression that could only mean,

"Did you HAVE to use pink?"

Yes, it's true. Although we have the full color range in gel pens, Rascal chose the Aurora (aka Sleeping Beauty) pen for his teint of choice.

Kye watched the exchange. "Eh-jeh!" he opined, as always.

Husband covered his eyes with his hand.

Mama took a picture.

Rascal just grinned.

p.s. don't try this at home - it does NOT wash off... Rascal kept his magnificent glow intact for at least 3 days.


Anonymous said...

I love your blog! It's so funny and well written! Keep it up!!

Henny said...

Get rid of the gel pens!